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Welcome to this course, Master AI Video Creation for Free: Unlock Your Creativity!

Are you ready to take your video creation skills to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive Udemy course, you will discover the power of AI technology and learn how to create captivating videos for any purpose – all for FREE!

With our step-by-step guidance, you'll harness the potential of AI-driven video generation tools and unlock a world of unlimited creativity. Create stunning videos effortlessly, no matter your skill level or previous experience.

But that's not all! We'll also explore how to customize your very own free avatar, access AI-powered copywriting to effortlessly craft engaging content, and utilize cutting-edge text-to-speech technology – all without spending a dime.

Course Highlights:

  • Create professional-grade AI videos for any purpose, whether it's for personal projects, business promotions, or social media campaigns.

  • Leverage the power of AI technology to automate video creation processes, saving time and effort.

  • Customize your free avatar and give your videos a personalized touch that resonates with your audience.

  • Utilize AI copywriting techniques to effortlessly create compelling scripts and captivating video narratives.

  • Enhance your videos with free text-to-speech technology, bringing your scripts to life with a natural and engaging voice.

Join this course today and equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to create stunning AI videos without any financial investment. Unlock your creative potential and make a lasting impact with the power of AI technology. Enroll now and embark on an exciting journey of unlimited creativity and professional growth!

Enroll in this course now and start creating jaw-dropping AI videos for any purpose, completely free of charge.

Keywords: AI video creation, free tools, unlimited creativity, Udemy course, AI-driven video generation, free avatar customization, AI copywriting, text-to-speech technology, professional-grade videos, personal projects, business promotions, social media campaigns.

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Welcome to this course, Master AI Video Creation for Free: Unlock Your Creativity!

Are you ready to take your video creation skills to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive Udemy course, you will discover the power of AI technology and learn how to create captivating videos for any purpose – all for FREE!

With our step-by-step guidance, you'll harness the potential of AI-driven video generation tools and unlock a world of unlimited creativity. Create stunning videos effortlessly, no matter your skill level or previous experience.

But that's not all! We'll also explore how to customize your very own free avatar, access AI-powered copywriting to effortlessly craft engaging content, and utilize cutting-edge text-to-speech technology – all without spending a dime.

Course Highlights:

  • Create professional-grade AI videos for any purpose, whether it's for personal projects, business promotions, or social media campaigns.

  • Leverage the power of AI technology to automate video creation processes, saving time and effort.

  • Customize your free avatar and give your videos a personalized touch that resonates with your audience.

  • Utilize AI copywriting techniques to effortlessly create compelling scripts and captivating video narratives.

  • Enhance your videos with free text-to-speech technology, bringing your scripts to life with a natural and engaging voice.

Join this course today and equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to create stunning AI videos without any financial investment. Unlock your creative potential and make a lasting impact with the power of AI technology. Enroll now and embark on an exciting journey of unlimited creativity and professional growth!

Enroll in this course now and start creating jaw-dropping AI videos for any purpose, completely free of charge.

Keywords: AI video creation, free tools, unlimited creativity, Udemy course, AI-driven video generation, free avatar customization, AI copywriting, text-to-speech technology, professional-grade videos, personal projects, business promotions, social media campaigns.


Під час курсу ви опануєте основи штучного інтелекту під час редагування відео. У базовій версії курсу 8 уроків, котрі дадуть потужний старт і дозволять вам розібратись з роботою штучного інтелекту під час редагування відео. Ми прикріпили матеріали для вас, щоб ви змогли працювати з ними на практиці і закріпити свої знання.

У кінці курсу на вас чекає справжній бонус – lut-и для кольору, графічні шаблони для відео подкастів, світлові схеми для зйомки інтерв’ю.

1) Давайте коротко про курс. Тут немає води, чітка інструкція від А до Я, протестований алгоритм дій і ми впевнені, що результат буде на 200%. Курс, який окупиться за 1 проект.
2) Для кого цей курс? Для людей, які знімають відеоподкасти, розмовні інтерв’ю на Youtube, монтують відео, створюють контент або проводять стріми.

3) У курсі ми зібрали кращі програми, які працюють на базі штучного інтелекту і допомагають ВАМ зберегти робочий час! Ви зможете монтувати ваші інтерв’ю, подкасти чи мультикамерний монтаж з космічною швидкістю. Записали для вас Бонусний урок!
4) Практичне рішення – ви досягнете своєї мети за 40 хв., які ви потратите на цей курс. Усі уроки спрощені і підходять навіть для початківця. Кожен урок максимально ефективний і зрозумілий. Постійна практика дозволить вам вивчити цей алгоритм досконало.

5) Підтримка на час проходження курсу – ми прагнемо зробити цей курс найефективнішим і орієнтованим на результат. Ми завжди поруч, коли вам потрібна наша допомога. Ми створили алгоритм монтування за допомогою (AI), щоб ви були ефективними і забули про рутинну роботу і зосередилися на творчості. Ви отримаєте від нас відповідь протягом максимум 48 годин.

Для кого цей курс?

  • Люди, які створюють контент і генерують відео.

  • Монтажери відео чи режисери монтажу, які хочуть спростити свій робочий процес.

  • Ютубери, які хочуть змонтувати швидко.

  • Люди, які знімають інтерв'ю чи монтують мультикамерний монтаж

У курсі ми зібрали кращі програми, які працюють на базі штучного інтелекту і допомагають ВАМ зберегти робочий час! Ви можете змонтувати свій інтерв'ю, підкасти чи мультикамерний монтаж з космічною швидкістю!

Для того, щоб почати навчання на курсі, вам потрібно мати такі програми та сервіси на вашому комп'ютері:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • CleanVoice

  • Adobe Podcast

  • та AutoPod

  • Рамка io

Якщо готові, сідаємо на нашу ракету під назвою “ШТУЧНИЙ ІНТЕЛЕКТ” і полетіли.


Під час курсу ви опануєте основи штучного інтелекту під час редагування відео. У базовій версії курсу 8 уроків, котрі дадуть потужний старт і дозволять вам розібратись з роботою штучного інтелекту під час редагування відео. Ми прикріпили матеріали для вас, щоб ви змогли працювати з ними на практиці і закріпити свої знання.

У кінці курсу на вас чекає справжній бонус – lut-и для кольору, графічні шаблони для відео подкастів, світлові схеми для зйомки інтерв’ю.

1) Давайте коротко про курс. Тут немає води, чітка інструкція від А до Я, протестований алгоритм дій і ми впевнені, що результат буде на 200%. Курс, який окупиться за 1 проект.
2) Для кого цей курс? Для людей, які знімають відеоподкасти, розмовні інтерв’ю на Youtube, монтують відео, створюють контент або проводять стріми.

3) У курсі ми зібрали кращі програми, які працюють на базі штучного інтелекту і допомагають ВАМ зберегти робочий час! Ви зможете монтувати ваші інтерв’ю, подкасти чи мультикамерний монтаж з космічною швидкістю. Записали для вас Бонусний урок!
4) Практичне рішення – ви досягнете своєї мети за 40 хв., які ви потратите на цей курс. Усі уроки спрощені і підходять навіть для початківця. Кожен урок максимально ефективний і зрозумілий. Постійна практика дозволить вам вивчити цей алгоритм досконало.

5) Підтримка на час проходження курсу – ми прагнемо зробити цей курс найефективнішим і орієнтованим на результат. Ми завжди поруч, коли вам потрібна наша допомога. Ми створили алгоритм монтування за допомогою (AI), щоб ви були ефективними і забули про рутинну роботу і зосередилися на творчості. Ви отримаєте від нас відповідь протягом максимум 48 годин.

Для кого цей курс?

  • Люди, які створюють контент і генерують відео.

  • Монтажери відео чи режисери монтажу, які хочуть спростити свій робочий процес.

  • Ютубери, які хочуть змонтувати швидко.

  • Люди, які знімають інтерв'ю чи монтують мультикамерний монтаж

У курсі ми зібрали кращі програми, які працюють на базі штучного інтелекту і допомагають ВАМ зберегти робочий час! Ви можете змонтувати свій інтерв'ю, підкасти чи мультикамерний монтаж з космічною швидкістю!

Для того, щоб почати навчання на курсі, вам потрібно мати такі програми та сервіси на вашому комп'ютері:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • CleanVoice

  • Adobe Podcast

  • та AutoPod

  • Рамка io

Якщо готові, сідаємо на нашу ракету під назвою “ШТУЧНИЙ ІНТЕЛЕКТ” і полетіли.


Welcome to this course on using AI tools to put together an amazing, high quality Youtube channel!  These new tools are going to be integral to the future of online video content, and this course will allow you to be on the frontline of this new technology.

In this course we will walk step by step through using AI tools like Chat GPT and Pictory along with Canva to create easy, quick, professional Youtube videos.  Specifically this course is unique in the fact that we are going to be looking at Pictory which is an innovative new AI tool that will streamline our video generation process in a way that nothing else can do right now on the market!  We will look at all of the features of these tools and then I will personally walk you though the creation of a video for one of my own personal channels.  We will take our time and look step by step at every part of the process including creating easy full Youtube scripts using AI, generating full length video utilizing AI technology, creating easy AI voiceovers and custom voiceovers, and much much more.  By the time you are done you should be more than comfortable with making your own professional Youtube videos utilizing these amazing AI tools!


Welcome to this course on using AI tools to put together an amazing, high quality Youtube channel!  These new tools are going to be integral to the future of online video content, and this course will allow you to be on the frontline of this new technology.

In this course we will walk step by step through using AI tools like Chat GPT and Pictory along with Canva to create easy, quick, professional Youtube videos.  Specifically this course is unique in the fact that we are going to be looking at Pictory which is an innovative new AI tool that will streamline our video generation process in a way that nothing else can do right now on the market!  We will look at all of the features of these tools and then I will personally walk you though the creation of a video for one of my own personal channels.  We will take our time and look step by step at every part of the process including creating easy full Youtube scripts using AI, generating full length video utilizing AI technology, creating easy AI voiceovers and custom voiceovers, and much much more.  By the time you are done you should be more than comfortable with making your own professional Youtube videos utilizing these amazing AI tools!


Have you been wanting to create social media content but you don’t know where to start?

Are you ready to plan, light, film, edit and release incredible looking content to TikTok, Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Facebook, and Facebook Stories?

Perfect! You’ve made it to the right course!

In this complete Social Media Film School, we'll work together to develop your skills as a filming and editing pro and supercharge your content creation process with ChatGPT 4 and other extremely powerful AI tools!

By the end of this course, you will have learned the following skills:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of posting to TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

  2. Choose the perfect gear for your content or maximize your skills with the gear you already own.

  3. Create your own filming studio setup with the perfect camera angle, lighting, background, and sound quality.

  4. Plan, film, edit, and release your own high quality videos with cutaway shots on YouTube.

  5. Strategize and film shareable TikTok videos with our expert guest speaker that has over 1.8m TikTok followers.

  6. Brainstorm, outline, film, and post Instagram Stories and Reels that are optimized for your specific audience.

  7. Properly use Facebook Stories to generate exciting and shareable content that drives engagement.

You'll also learn how to use AI tools create content like never before:

  • Cut the time needed in half to research topics, genres, and niche's to create videos for using ChatGPT 4.

  • Use ChatGPT 4 to quickly narrow down your target audience so you can create more engaging content.

  • Remove the barriers of coming up with content ideas and generate endless amounts of new ideas.

  • Instantly create titles, descriptions, and newsletters for your specific audience using ChatGPT 4.

Our biggest goal for you:

The goal of this course is to give you the skills and knowledge you need to plan, create, and share videos with the world that you are truly proud of!

You'll have lifetime access to:

  • 19.5 hours of learning content

  • 192 in-depth video lessons

  • 53 downloadable assets

  • 6 online articles

  • 5 page algorithm boost guide

  • Lifetime access to the tutorials and assets

  • Updates to all future course materials

  • One on one with me in the Q&A section

If you want to create content faster than ever before, save years of trial and error making your videos, dramatically improve your production quality, and share videos that you are truly proud of... then this is the course for you!

We'll see you inside!

Update for YouTube Fairuse Policy:

** I must emphasize, please familiarize yourself with the YouTube fairuse policy! (if it is your aim to use other content on YouTube). Yes you can use footage from other video but you must add to it, commentate or change it substantially and be adding (very important, not just using the content) to the content (think like a movie review channel showing clips); do not just copy big chunks of video.  Link to the fairuse policy can be found search "YouTube Fairuse Policy" on Google. There is a whole lecture on this later in the course. As a rule please use original footage only or stock footage legally purchased and you have rights; but the fairuse policy does exist (different to copyright as explained later). If you are using other footage, adhere to the fairuse properly, add to it, discuss it... try not to if possible.


Have you been wanting to create social media content but you don’t know where to start?

Are you ready to plan, light, film, edit and release incredible looking content to TikTok, Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Facebook, and Facebook Stories?

Perfect! You’ve made it to the right course!

In this complete Social Media Film School, we'll work together to develop your skills as a filming and editing pro and supercharge your content creation process with ChatGPT 4 and other extremely powerful AI tools!

By the end of this course, you will have learned the following skills:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of posting to TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

  2. Choose the perfect gear for your content or maximize your skills with the gear you already own.

  3. Create your own filming studio setup with the perfect camera angle, lighting, background, and sound quality.

  4. Plan, film, edit, and release your own high quality videos with cutaway shots on YouTube.

  5. Strategize and film shareable TikTok videos with our expert guest speaker that has over 1.8m TikTok followers.

  6. Brainstorm, outline, film, and post Instagram Stories and Reels that are optimized for your specific audience.

  7. Properly use Facebook Stories to generate exciting and shareable content that drives engagement.

You'll also learn how to use AI tools create content like never before:

  • Cut the time needed in half to research topics, genres, and niche's to create videos for using ChatGPT 4.

  • Use ChatGPT 4 to quickly narrow down your target audience so you can create more engaging content.

  • Remove the barriers of coming up with content ideas and generate endless amounts of new ideas.

  • Instantly create titles, descriptions, and newsletters for your specific audience using ChatGPT 4.

Our biggest goal for you:

The goal of this course is to give you the skills and knowledge you need to plan, create, and share videos with the world that you are truly proud of!

You'll have lifetime access to:

  • 19.5 hours of learning content

  • 192 in-depth video lessons

  • 53 downloadable assets

  • 6 online articles

  • 5 page algorithm boost guide

  • Lifetime access to the tutorials and assets

  • Updates to all future course materials

  • One on one with me in the Q&A section

If you want to create content faster than ever before, save years of trial and error making your videos, dramatically improve your production quality, and share videos that you are truly proud of... then this is the course for you!

We'll see you inside!

Update for YouTube Fairuse Policy:

** I must emphasize, please familiarize yourself with the YouTube fairuse policy! (if it is your aim to use other content on YouTube). Yes you can use footage from other video but you must add to it, commentate or change it substantially and be adding (very important, not just using the content) to the content (think like a movie review channel showing clips); do not just copy big chunks of video.  Link to the fairuse policy can be found search "YouTube Fairuse Policy" on Google. There is a whole lecture on this later in the course. As a rule please use original footage only or stock footage legally purchased and you have rights; but the fairuse policy does exist (different to copyright as explained later). If you are using other footage, adhere to the fairuse properly, add to it, discuss it... try not to if possible.


Greetings, everyone

My name is Faizan, and I'm an experienced video editor and Graphic Designer. Video editing & Graphics Designing has been my profession since 2012. As a teacher, it is my goal to help others learn video editing and graphic design.

If You Want To Learn Runwayml Various Video Editing Techniques And More Than This Course is For You. In This Course, You Will Learn Complete Runwayml 2023.

I Design This Course For Self Thought Students. By watching this course and performing the activities shown in the video, you will learn these video editing techniques.

I Explained Every Tiny Detail Step By Step and Make it Easy For You So You Can Catch up With Me.

In This Course You Will Learn the:

Runwayml Basics:

  • How to Get Access to Runwayml

  • How to Create Projects and Manage Projects

  • Runwayml Interface Introduction

  • How to Animate in Runwayml

  • How to Add Transition

  • How to Add Super Slow motion Effect

  • How to Remove Background Even Without Chroma Key

  • How to remove Objects from Videos

  • How to Do Motion Tracking

  • How to Add Videos Effects

  • How to Color Correct and Color Grade

  • How to Add Text

  • How to Add Subtitles

  • How to Add Overlay

  • How to Use Templates

  • How to Collaborate With Others

  • How to Improve Audio

  • How to Export Videos

Advanced Video Editing Techniques:

  • How to Blur Background Like a Pro

  • How to Clone Yourself

  • Sky Replacement Effect

  • Foreground Transition

  • Text Effect

  • Building Grow Effect

  • Text Behind Subject

  • Freeze Frame Effect

  • Masking Transition

AI Tools of Runwayml:

  • Introduction to AI Tools

  • Text to Image

  • Image to Image

  • Expand Image

  • Erase and Replace

  • Infinite Image

  • Extract Depth Map

  • Scene Detection

  • Image Interpolation

  • Backdrop Remix

  • Image Variation

  • Text to 3D Texture

  • Text to Color Grade(LUT)

  • Blur Faces

  • Bokeh

  • Remove Silence

  • Generate Transcript

  • Colorize

  • Upscale Image

So if You Want to Learn All These Techniques Than This course will help you become a pro in Runwayml.


Greetings, everyone

My name is Faizan, and I'm an experienced video editor and Graphic Designer. Video editing & Graphics Designing has been my profession since 2012. As a teacher, it is my goal to help others learn video editing and graphic design.

If You Want To Learn Runwayml Various Video Editing Techniques And More Than This Course is For You. In This Course, You Will Learn Complete Runwayml 2023.

I Design This Course For Self Thought Students. By watching this course and performing the activities shown in the video, you will learn these video editing techniques.

I Explained Every Tiny Detail Step By Step and Make it Easy For You So You Can Catch up With Me.

In This Course You Will Learn the:

Runwayml Basics:

  • How to Get Access to Runwayml

  • How to Create Projects and Manage Projects

  • Runwayml Interface Introduction

  • How to Animate in Runwayml

  • How to Add Transition

  • How to Add Super Slow motion Effect

  • How to Remove Background Even Without Chroma Key

  • How to remove Objects from Videos

  • How to Do Motion Tracking

  • How to Add Videos Effects

  • How to Color Correct and Color Grade

  • How to Add Text

  • How to Add Subtitles

  • How to Add Overlay

  • How to Use Templates

  • How to Collaborate With Others

  • How to Improve Audio

  • How to Export Videos

Advanced Video Editing Techniques:

  • How to Blur Background Like a Pro

  • How to Clone Yourself

  • Sky Replacement Effect

  • Foreground Transition

  • Text Effect

  • Building Grow Effect

  • Text Behind Subject

  • Freeze Frame Effect

  • Masking Transition

AI Tools of Runwayml:

  • Introduction to AI Tools

  • Text to Image

  • Image to Image

  • Expand Image

  • Erase and Replace

  • Infinite Image

  • Extract Depth Map

  • Scene Detection

  • Image Interpolation

  • Backdrop Remix

  • Image Variation

  • Text to 3D Texture

  • Text to Color Grade(LUT)

  • Blur Faces

  • Bokeh

  • Remove Silence

  • Generate Transcript

  • Colorize

  • Upscale Image

So if You Want to Learn All These Techniques Than This course will help you become a pro in Runwayml.